Hassan Somali

The aim is to keep this as simple as possible, so that it is suitable for all levels – inshā Allāh.

  • How Many Rakʿah Is the ʿĪd Prayer?

The ʿĪd Prayer is two Rakʿah as established in the Ḥadīth ofʿUmar:

“The Prayer of al-Adḥá is two Rakʿah, and the Prayer of al-Fiṭr is two Rakʿah…They are complete and not shortened, [as stated] on the tongue of your Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) …” [1]

  • The Takbīrāt

In the first Rakʿah there are seven Takbīrāt [including the opening Takbīr], and in the second there are five not including the Takbīr for standing. [2]

ʿĀ’ishah narrated that the Messenger of Allāh (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) said:

“The Takbīr in al-Fiṭr and al-Adḥá is seven in the first [Rakʿah]and five in the second, apart from the Takbīr for bowing.” [3]

  • Its Description

The person says the opening Takbī[Allāhu Akbar].

Then they say the opening supplication.

Then they say six Takbīrāt [Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar], and they raise their hands with each Takbīr. [4]

Then they seek refuge with Allāh from the accursed Devil. [5]

Then they recite aloud in both Rakʿah.

In the first, they recite Sūrah al-Fātiḥah followed by al-Aʿlá.

So, they say the Takbīr [Allāhu Akbar] to stand for the second Rakʿah, and then they say five Takbīrāt [Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar.]

Then in the second Rakʿah, they recite Sūrah al-Fātiḥah followed by Sūrah al-Ghāshiyah. [6]

If they have not memorized al-Aʿlá and Surah al-Ghāshiyah [7], then they can recite with what they are able from the Qur’ān.


[1] Collected by Ahmad (no. 257) and others. It has been declared authentic by Albānī.
[2] For those being led in the Prayer, then they say the Takbīrāt silently to themselves, as for saying them loudly like the Imām then this has no basis whatsoever.
[3] Collected by Abū Dāwūd (no. 1151). It has been declared sound by Albānī. 
[4] This is the position of the Permanent Committee (7/48). However, there is a difference of opinion regarding this.
[5] There is another opinion with regards to the exact place, but we will suffice with this, which is the position found in al-Mulakhkhaṣ al-Fiqhī (1/272). 
[6] As established in the Ḥadīth collected by Ibn Mājah (no. 1283), which has been declared authentic by Albānī. 
[7] It is also the Sunnah to recite along with al-Fātiḥah Sūrah Qāf in the first Rakʿah and in the second Sūrah al-Qamr, as in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim (no. 891).